Legenda o vzniku Beckovského
hradu: Príbeh vojvodu Štibora
a blázna Becka
Legenda hovorí, že hrad Beckov postavil vojvoda Štibor podľa priania svojho blázna Becka.

About the creation of the castle
On the left side of the Váh, near Nove Mesto, opposite the hill named Turko, in the Sboreninas lies Beckov Castle. Rumor has it that Štibor, a duke in the time of King Sigismund, was said to have had a madman named Becko, and his master had so much fun hunting that Štibor asked him what he would ask for the fun: what would a fool — pointing to one limbed rod, answer — that in a year's time And one day a beautiful castle was erected on that rock. And Stibor is said to have guaranteed himself by word that he would fulfill the request madly; even building a beautiful castle in a year and a day, he named it after the name of his fool Beck
Death of Ctibor on Beckov
Above Váhom, on a high rock, stands the old Beckov Castle in the ruins. When midnight approaches, the time of evil spirits, here we hear a desperate cry over the rock; but when morning draws near, we hear a mournful lamentation. That is why even the bright streams of the Váh left worn beards and turned elsewhere so as not to hear the night cry and lamentation. This incessant cry and lament reputation is explained as follows:
In this castle once lived Ctibor, the lord of this neighborhood, resentful and angry. When he fell asleep while hunting, tired, he was awakened by the howling of a hunting dog. He jumped in anger, what could it be that the dog is jumping from the battle?

„Pane – riekli pokorne sluhovia – jeden starý žobrák prišiel prosiť o kúsok chleba, ale sivko, chrt váš jedovitý, vyskočil naň, vytrhol mu kus haleny, i z nohavíc, i kus mäsa zo stehna; žobrák bránil sa palicou a pes začal skučať.
“Nato rozzlobený Ctibor, besom posednutý, chytil úbohého starca za vlasy, dlho ho vliekol, naposledy mrštil ho do priepasti, kde i náhle skonal. Z tadiaľ počuť po polnoci žalostné stonanie.
Ctibor namáhaním unavený, ľahnul si na skaliny mochom zarastené, a spánkom premožený na úslní zaspal. Tu, čo nevidieť, priplazil sa k nemu malý, ale jedovatý had a otvorenými ústami vliezol do útrob a začal ho štípať. – Ctibor takto prebudený začal sa od boľastí svíjať, sebou trhať a kričať: „Kde som? Pomoc! Kde sluhovia?“ A v boľasti i zúfalstve voslep bežal ku priepasti, tam sa zvážil, padnul a kosti dolámal… A ztadiaľ počuť do polnoci zúfalé volanie.
Preto i bystré toky Váhu Beckov obchádzajú a tichším krajom tečú.
zdroj: Sborník museálnej slovenskej spoločnosti, roč. 6 – 7, 1901 – 1902